[Paper 리뷰] Embedding a Differentiable Mel-Cepstral Synthesis Filter to a Neural Speech Synthesis System
Embedding a Differentiable Mel-Cepstral Synthesis Filter to a Neural Speech Synthesis System End-to-End controllable speech synthesis를 위해 Mel-cepstral synthesis filter를 활용할 수 있음 Differentiable Mel-Cepstral Synthesis Filter Mel-cepstral synthesis filter를 통해 voice characteristics와 pitch는 각각 frequency warping parameter와 fundamental frequency를 통해 control 될 수 있음 이때 End-to-End 방식으로 최적화할 수 있도록 diffeten..
Paper/Signal Processing
2024. 2. 3. 13:06